It’s funny how when I’m being steamrolled over by work I have plenty of post ideas that I could not get out due to said steamroller but when I’m suddenly released I just find myself blanked out, not knowing where and how to start. Anyways, here’s me finally making a heroic attempt at breaking out of my quasi-hiatus. Hopefully the posts would come rolling out as per normal after this :P
Author: Jason "moofang" (Page 14 of 20)
Here’s me making another quick-fix-note after another hair-imperiling battle updating trunk after a month or two of inactivity.
If while building Kdelibs you find yourself confronted with the inexplicable compile-time error complaining “Soprano/Node: No such file or directory”, you probably manually checked out Soprano from Kdesupport and did the usual “cmakekde” like I did. This (apparently) causes the problem, though it beats me why. I built Soprano that way since a good while ago and never had problems until now.
Anyway, try building Soprano like this instead:
cd path/to/Soprano
mkdir build
cd build
make install
Worked for me. After days of tinkering, digging around the installation and source directories, and generally getting pissed off, I finally have the essential components of trunk updated and built again!
And here’s a dramatic turnaround from the solemn nature of my previous post. *Ahem* excuse me while I get this one out of my system…
My Summer of Code application this year made it! Exultation! All the more sweet after the vivid bitterness of last year’s failure. So I shall be working this summer towards the conceptualization and creation of a sensible system tray for Plasma Mobile, and the excitement I feel, at being allowed the chance of contributing to the ongoing work to bring KDE to the mobile space, could hardly be overstated. Needless to say, this will be an awesome summer for me :)
Another cool fact: all the (other two) Plasmaters also landed their respective projects this year. Congratz guys! (Yes I spontaneously coined the term “Plasmaters”. I think I like it though)
And a final not so cool fact: Plasmate has been piling dusts of neglect ever since school started going crazy on me. Apparently the others have been busy too – I just went and did an update but it didn’t pull any changes. So much for a beta in April. I guess Plasmate’s gonna need a little summer love too alongside my cool GSoC project :)
I know I haven’t posted enough on the current season (and I would have, *grumble grumble*). But something else far more solemn in nature happened while my site was offline.
This song probably needs little introduction. Diamond Crevasse is one of the defining songs of Macross Frontier, performed by the venerable May’n in the guise of Sheryl Nome. The version I have here is part of the one popularly known as “Shinkuu” Diamond Crevasse – a particularly emotive version of the song performed by Sheryl Nome during the critical events of episode 20.
This one is dedicated to Tan Shyn Lyn, who took her life in the early twilight of the 20th of April, 2010.
Hit the jump for lyrics and translations, and hit F8 to play the song while it’s up.
Back online, on a new host. This sucks.
(When I can earn a living I am so paying for hosting.)
Yes, I’m watching Gurren Lagann on the side, and I just finished episode 16. Damn, this is hands down the absolute best flashback episode I’ve ever seen – as well as the best Gurren Lagann episode for me so far.
Heck yeah! In an age where tonnes of love-coms just flip up and morph into slut-shows in a matter of episodes, who would have guessed that we’d find something this season that is the exact reverse! This show certainly wasn’t on my radar – I figured that if a show about maids and butlers can turn out to be the drunk-party of uncensored nonsense that it is, I certainly didn’t want to imagine what a show outright about sex would end up being. But now that I have been cajoled into giving it a shot, I’m surprised. We may actually have a sweet and juicy love-com on our hands here underneath that thin layer of brittle slut-show wrapper.
A few things about the show so far that’s cool:
- The main protagonist is a girl. This has two important benefits. Firstly its actually somewhat fresh to watch an echhi show from a girl perspective. It’s also a plus that Yamada is really quite cute, funny… and does not have 55% of her body mass focused on her upper torso. Secondly, it conveniently and thankfully leaves out the old “clumsy protagonist falls face-first onto hot tsundere’s crotch” thing. We really, really need to move on from those ;)
- The male lead (I’m assuming he’s the male lead) actually earns a liking from me. No completely stupid or gratingly insensitive brat that only redeems himself with occasional demonstrations of GAR. This guy is… really quite sensitive. And unlike most annoying male leads who stick out like sore thumbs, this guy actually seems to try his best to blend and not stand out. He’s a gentleman too. *stamp of approval*
- The show is really kind of amusing. In the good sense that it’s jokes are actually funny. It’s also thankfully modest despite it’s adult themes. You don’t know how relieved I was to discover no outright and unadulterated nudity. I used to think that I’m pretty fanservice tolerant, but some of the recent shows are starting to freak me out.
The best part of it is that this show isn’t really about sex. That’s just the comedic device – where all the jokes come out of. It also helps to underscore Yamada’s eccentricity – and that’s about it. All that ever gets talked about in the show is Yamada’s perverse dream, but as you watch the plot unfold and observe the way the characters behave, it soon becomes quite clear. This show is about adolescent confusion and tight and mushy feelings. And that’s a love-com in its native element.
Oh did I mention having Yukari Tamura, Mamiko Noto and Kana Hanazawa on board?
Sold :)
If you’ve dropped by in the past day or so, you would likely have noted that my humble little blog had apparently run afoul of a couple of Syrian hackers. Yes, Between Linux and Anime was hacked, and all my hard-written posts and precious comments trashed. And I haven’t a clue why :( A random hit? Or could it be that I praised the iPad just a little too much? The truth is I don’t like the iPad either, my dear Syrians, so how bout you quit picking on poor and miserable little bloggers like myself, eh?
Anyway, thanks to the hosting fiasco that vaporised my old blog half a year ago, I have now become much more equipped to deal with disasters of this sort. This time I had a backup ready that had all my posts up to the “end of railgun” one, and the remaining two latests posts I managed to scrounge up from the depths of Google’s and my browser’s caches. So zero total post lost and minimal damage on that front. The comments front didn’t do so well though. Unfortunately, I was unable to salvage a good number of recent ones, in spite of my best efforts scouring the search engine page caches, so I’ll have to apologize if your comment is among the lost.
I hope that’s the last I’ll see of this in awhile :( Again – Dustin, RP, Keiri, and all the folks who had commented on my iPad post – I’ve seen and I appreciate your comments. Moushiwake Gozaimasen Deshita :(
Edit: somehow I managed to find all the comments to the iPad post on a Google cache, so those are restored! As best as I could anyway :)
Yes I’m still alive. Shocking but true :) So I’m presently in the midst of exploiting a precious gap in the deadline-queue to frantically put together a Google Summer of Code proposal for Plasma, so expect a wildly euphoric or drippingly dejected post on that in some weeks. It’s the typical rough time near the end of the semester now, but I thought I should at least come and do the token anisong of the season post, taking the opportunity to also pen some random thoughts about the winter season in general :)
Quite frankly winter has been a rather weak season for me, though I suspect my genre preferences may have something to do with it. Sora no Woto and even Hanamaru didn’t quite do it for me after awhile, though BakaTest manages to more or less keep up the entertainment, largely through shamelessly shipping Yuuji and Shouko :P Star show Durarara remained good, but it’s just the kind of show that’s a little heavy on the digestion, leaving me occasionally so starved for lighter entertainment that I ended up rummaging through some old titles and watching episodes of – of all things – Bamboo Blade.
Music-wise, though, winter has been pretty good. Railgun’s new pieces were expectedly decent stuff. Sora no Woto’s songs, too, managed to grow on me, somewhat in contrast with the show itself. In the end though it is the Durarara songs that somehow captured the flag of my heart this season. There’s something about the way the songs blend into the telling of the story, melodically and lyrically, that gives the songs a uniquely Durarara sound. The video sequences that played alongside each were certainly no let down either.
Oddly, if you had asked me to take a pick at the beginning of the season, I would have showered my favor on the OP – “Uragiri no Yuuyake” – without a second thought. Now at the end of the season though, I find myself liking “Trust Me” a good bit better. I’m not sure exactly how the change of heart happened, but it likely has to do with how beautifully “Trust Me” drew the curtains on many of the episodes up to this point. To me it has truly become a defining part of the Durarara experience and it probably won’t ever quite feel right to come away from a Durarara episode without first leaning back and absently rolling “Trust Me”s affectionate lyrics over the taste buds of my mind.
Anyway, so here I present you my chosen Anisong of the Season: The ED to Durarara!! – “Trust Me”. As usual, hit the jump for a pic, Romaji lyrics and translations. And hit F8 to play the song while it’s up. Enjoy!
So all this jumble of talk on Apple’s latest gadget-child has been buzzing around the fringes of my consciousness for a good while now without me stopping to pay attention and actually seeing what all the hype is about. After all, I was (and still am) pretty convinced that I am simply not going to get an iPad. And then today, feeling somewhat unable to work, I decided out of curiosity to finally bring up Mr Job’s little keynote in which he introduced the iPad, and gave it a watch-over.
And damn, I gotta say. Apple really has this one nailed.
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