More than a little late now I know. I saw all the seasonal anime awards being given out all across the blogosphere, and then noticed that I haven’t posted an anisong for awhile. So I thought hey, why not :)
Personally I thought fall had been a season of really good music. A decent number of OP’s and ED’s captured me quickly and sufficiently so that I sat through them every week instead of skipping them. On top of that a couple of insert songs too were surprisingly good. There was plenty of competition for my favorite track of the season, but in the end I chose Only my Railgun for its upbeat and ringing sounds, its really great tune-lyric synchrony, and its simple, sheer electricity.
I suspect I’m gonna need a good bit of that electricity to survive the coming semester :(
Anyway, here it is. I make an exception to my ‘only post soothing, background-music-ish tunes’ rule to give you the Anisong of the Season. In case you don’t actually know, Only my Railgun is the OP to To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Because the TV-size version of this song just isn’t awesome enough, I have posted the full-length version :)
Hit the jump for pic, lyrics and translations. Then hit F8 to play the song. Enjoy :)
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