*quivering sigh* Leave it to Aria to paint that moving picture of the impossibly rare, and the indescribably amazing.
Here’s to your miracle, and to mine. May we know to relish it when our time comes.
(yes, I just got to this episode. :) )
I’m going out on a trip with my family soon, so this shall be the final post of the year ;) I’ve been playing with the idea of putting up something Christmas-themed, but never found anything quite suitable. Well, this is one’s still pretty close, I think.
Here’s another song from Aria, the second ED to Aria the Natural – the second season. In spite of what the lyrics say, I find the song happily suggestive of a cozy, sleepy winter’s night, though being a creature of the tropics I can’t say I’m all that confident about how accurate that impression is :P
In any case, I hope you’ll enjoy this one. The lyrics are nothing noteworthy, but the tune is as sweet and as calming as the series it graces. As always, hit F8 to play the song, and I have romaji lyrics, translations, and a picture after the jump.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Between Linux and Anime!
There is a class of anime that does not pretend to be deep, but operates under the modest ambition of unsophisticated but honest entertainment. That brings an easy smile and a sprinkle of laughs without demanding serious thought on the part of the viewer. But that nonetheless does not allow itself fall to inanity, but that dashes out with its simple tales a curious quality of joy and rejuvenating appreciation, for the world, and for the self.
Let me introduce a distinguished member of that family.
In case you’re wondering about how all the songs so far are on the soft and gentle side, yes it’s deliberate. I do like a number of the stronger and more upbeat songs too, but those just don’t quite do as ambient background music, don’t you think?
Here is ‘Spirale‘, the first OP to Aria the Origination – third and sadly final season of that delighting show. I have a revisit post on Aria in the pipeline, so having this song up would hopefully prevent it from getting caught in the perma-procrastinate loop that hath heretofore consumed too many a stalwart idea. :(
Romaji lyrics and translations (and pic!) after the jump as usual. Hope you enjoy it as I did! Remember, hit F8 to listen along while reading.
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