Between Linux and Anime

Kind of like Schrodinger's Cat


spiralling, swirling dance
The warm, smearing cloud
of my breath against
the burning frost in the air
The yellow lamplight
dotting the snow-clad wind
whisper of distance, beyondness, flickering
like shadows in my crusted soul
but with quiet, graceful tempo
Amidst the smell of fragant cold
the sweet, stinging taste
of yuzu

Strung with thorns, this path we plow
Far as the eye can gaze upon
Lo what comfort, what joy to know
The road goes ever on and on


-Photos by JX

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Anisong: Sora wa Takaku, Kaze wa Utau


I’m alive! Hana no Android Gakuen Summer Specials 3 and 4 English Translated!

1 Comment

  1. BayDue

    One of the key arguments against essay ghostwriting is that it inhibits the learning process. Education is not solely about the final grade but about the journey, the mistakes made, and the lessons learned. Ghostwriting deprives students of the opportunity to improve their research, analytical, and writing skills – skills that are invaluable in the real world.

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