Between Linux and Anime

Kind of like Schrodinger's Cat

Category: Linux (Page 4 of 5)

NUS SoC Linux guides now on the Document Repository!

Just a quick pop-in (since I appear to have been banned from Btw anyone knows who can save me or how I can save myself?). So after a really long time but fortunately well before the new semester, we finally have up-to-date Linux guides for connecting to SoC PEAP, SoCVPN and for printing in SoC posted on the official NUS School of Computing Document Repository! Big thanks to tech services for following through with this. Would have been ideal for printed copies to have also been made available, but this is still way better than things used to be :)

Here’s to hoping this’ll help existing Linux users amongst the freshmen keep their preferred operating system, and also make things easier for curious proprietary system users seeking a breath of fresh air :)

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Playing “V_MS/VFW/FOURCC”, “FLV4 / 0x34564C46” mkv files on Linux

Welcome to yet another episode of “Refusing to Just Use Windows (TM)” !

Yes that’s right. Despite the general ease with which most mkv’s play on Linux systems, I discovered a couple of mkv’s just the other day that simply wouldn’t – not on VLC, mplayer, ffplay, kaffeine – nothing. Even with every last available codec pack (and their grannies) installed. Well, the audio plays well enough – but I get no video. Blank. Zip. On the other hand I was told that the files play on a properly set up Windows machine. So what else is new :)

Of course, the thing about mkv’s is that it’s a wrapper format – different mkv’s can hold video/audio/subtitles that require vastly different codecs, so being able to play one mkv doesn’t guarantee that you’ll be able play the next. This case is a classic example of that little principle. So next step would be to find out what is the internal video format being used. Some probing with ffmpeg and mplayer on the command line reveals that the video’s codec id is “V_MS/VFW/FOURCC“, and is actually an flv4, which should be decodable on Linux. However playing the file results in one form of complaint or another in the way of “V_MS/VFW/FOURCC” not being recognized as a codec. The result: No video – only the audio track plays.

To cut a long story short, after clamping my teeth down on it and doing my requisite googling (yes, Refusing to Just Use Windows), I put the clues together and managed to find a not-too-difficult way to the bottom of the issue. The idea is to manually specify/force the video decoder to use, since the players are incapable of automatically finding the right one. None of my players appear to allow me to do this though, so I used ffmpeg to decode and reencode it into a nicer format instead:

ffmpeg -vcodec vp6f -i inputFile.mkv -b 20000k output.avi

The -vcodec vp6f part is the important bit here of course. This should decode that pesky mkv and spit out a much friendlier avi file that should easily play on mplayer, vlc or the like.

If your mkv has subtitles, you’ll need to do some extra stuff, since ffmpeg to the best of my knowledge does not play nice with subs. The above step should get you an avi with video and audio. To also add subs, you first need to extract them from the mkv. One way to do this is using mkvextract, which you should be able to install in your system by installing the “mkvtoolnix” package. mkvextract lets you extract a track from your mkv. The subtitle track is usually track 3, so you’d do something like:

mkvextract tracks file.mkv 3:output.subs

You can check which track your subtitles are on by doing ffprobe file.mkv. Once you have the subs extracted, you can simply direct your player to the extracted subtitles file and it should display. If you name your subtitles file after your avi file, some players would even automatically load it. All I needed to do was:

mplayer output.avi -ass

Of course, if you feel like it, you can also burn the subtitles into the video file itself. You can use mencoder for that, or you can use avidemux following instructions here

Hope that helps someone ;)

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Boosting Audio with Mplayer

So last night I got pwned by zw as he demonstrated before mine disbelieving eyes this interesting feature he called audio boosting on his machine’s Windows Media Player classic. We were trying to watch this video with an unspeakably soft audio track, and after not being able to hear nuts when I played it on my Linuxbox + shoddy speakers, he smugly plugged the thing through his laptop’s Windows Media Player classic and turned on software audio amplification – and we did indeed get significantly more audible audio. Despite having (immense) issues with Media Player Classic’s UI/UX, I had to concede that that was an immensely handy feature. And so it was Windows 1:0 Linux that night.

But of course, while I do agree that Windows does certain things better than Linux, getting soundly beaten by the likes of Windows Media Player *Classic* is bound not to sit well with this user :P So having been enlightened to the existence of such a feature, I set off today to find out if it exists on Linux players. And it fortunately turns out that the answer is yes! On mplayer, all one needs to do is to add an extra argument. For example,

mplayer -af volume=20:0 mediafile

Would amplify the sound by 20dB. 20dB makes a HUGE difference by the way, so you might want to turn down your speakers/take off your headphones before you try it, in case you inadvertantly deafen yourself. So there you have it. Oh, apparently VLC has support for it too, but that’s beyond the scope of this post for now :)


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Ubunchu 05 ~ Twintail chara? Is she gonna be a Tsundere?

So the 5th chapter of Ubunchu, the free manga about the popular free Linux system Ubuntu, is out. Actually it’s been out for a good long while now but you will note that I only fought my way out of quasi-hiatus in the last post.

So I’ll admit it. This manga is starting to feel somewhat direction-less. It’s fine as a documentary sort of thing I suppose, but why not do better eh? Personally I think it’d be great if we could give the Ubuntu/free-software lecture of the weekchapter thing a rest and spend some pages on developing the characters and illustrating the larger setting instead. It’s still fun as a curiousity (and as blogging material), but I hope we’re moving into some actual plot soon because I think Ubunchu is really getting a little hit-and-miss as pure educational material. /rant

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The Nokia N900 hits Asia, at long last

So I’ve been waiting for this and at long last it has happened – the N900 has become available for preorders via Nokia Singapore and Nokia Malaysia, as well as likely a number more Asian countries, a good few full months after its initial availability in the Europes and Americas. And with the tech market here already long-dominated by (very attractive) proprietary products, I can only say, Nokia, about damn time.

So I’ll very likely strive to acquire one. It is a geek device after all, and me being the geek I am I consider this quite the exciting piece of gadgetry – it runs the free Maemo OS, which is a Debian derivative, and sports all manner of really sweet geekery like root-access terminals and the venerable Apt. Of course, it is not only a geek-happy device – it is a pretty darn sexy little thing too.

Preorders in Singapore can be done via here, and in Malaysia via here.

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Defeated by SoC Technical Services..

So near the beginning of this semester I launched a personal project aimed at getting the NUS School of Computing technical help desk to make available printed Linux guides to the various essential computing services in the school. These services have a good amount of sophisticated machinery encapsulating them so it is really not trivial to figure out how to go about them on your own. In NUS SoC, there are neatly printed individual guides for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 each (as well as an obligatory one for Mac OSX). There is exactly zero official documentation for any Linux for any service. This was what I was determined to change.

I started out with authoring a draft guide and, with the help of several other volunteers, tested it with reasonable rigor on several distributions, refined it, then contributed the end result to technical services with an earnest note for their consideration. Perhaps non-surprisingly they rejected the request on the grounds that Linux is a very varied and fast-evolving platform that they are not equipped to support officially. I then offered to state explicitly in the guide that the guide is student-contributed, that Linux is not officially supported by tech services, and include external links to further Linux help that the help desk can direct inquiring students to, hoping to push for the guides to be simply made available as-is. For the past month or so I pursued the matter, battling various mysterious phenomena like emails that were successfully sent but were overlooked by both the ticketing system and the people managing the mailbox, and indeed – even emails that simply vanished altogether.

It is with great regret that I today pronounce The End. I had just been speaking with a nice but helpless help desk personnel during which she informed me that tech services is adamant about not making printed copies available, claiming that the act of printing the guides will implicitly imply that tech services is supporting them.

Not at all a reason I am happy with, but it is at least a concrete one. This is a bottom line that I see no way of discrediting or working around without being hostile, so this is as far as I will go.

Technical services has offered instead to make links to my guides accessible from their official document repository, towards which they will then direct any students who ask about Linux. So the whole effort was at least not entirely fruitless. I plan now to simply put/merge my guide up to the unofficial NUS Opensource wiki and then give them links to that.

I’ll post again with the links when the guides are done, if for no other reason than to hopefully boost their Google visibility.

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Working with Java Web Start (.jnlp) in Firefox/OpenSUSE, and Linux in general

So after a good long time not being able to play this Facebook game we’re building for P2P-related research, which runs on Java Web Start, I finally got pissed today and sat down and finally got to the bottom of it.

Because Java isn’t free technology and all that, OpenSUSE actually comes preinstalled with OpenJDK instead of the common version of Java distributed by Sun. With this default configuration, Web Start (JNLP) files on the internet will open by default in an open implementation of Java Web Start called ‘IcedTea Web Start’, which I hear works reasonably well – but outright doesn’t work for some cases, like mine.

For people who, like me, need to run Sun’s version of Web Start from Firefox – first, you need to grab and install Sun’s version of the Java runtime using your software package manager (in OpenSUSE the package is called java-1_6_0-sun). Verify that you have a program called ‘javaws’ after this step. You can simply type ‘javaws’ into an open terminal and make sure it is recognized as Java(TM) Web Start.

Okay, next all we need to do is get Firefox to use javaws when opening JNLP files. For other distros you’d go to Edit > Preferences > Applications in Firefox, look for JNLP, and change the setting so it uses javaws. On OpenSUSE, Firefox is integrated so it takes its file-association settings directly from KDE. So you’ll have to instead go to KDE’s systemsettings (Configure Desktop) > Advanced Tab > File Associations. Here, run a search for JNLP, then add ‘/usr/bin/javaws’ to the top of the Application Preference Order.

We’re done! Next time you open a JNLP Web Start file in Firefox, it should offer to use Sun’s Java Web Start to open it :)

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Solving recordmydesktop’s slow-framerate problem

Damn, I’ve got so many things I should have written and posted but Chinese New Year stuff keeps getting in the way and unexpected problems keep cropping up. I just solved the latest one (unexpected problem), and I think this solution needs to be posted, so bear with me :)

If recordmydesktop gives you ridiculously slow frame-rate in it’s output video, you may be a victim of the “libtheora above v1.1.0” problem. Try the following for a quick-fix:

Add --v_bitrate 2000000 to the options you pass to recordmydesktop. If you use a frontend (like gtk-recordmydesktop or qt-recordmydesktop), look in your configuration for an “Extra Options” section and paste --v_bitrate 2000000 into it.

Worked like a charm for me. Source.

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Slow/Choppy Kwin Effects in KDE SC 4.4.0?

Especially the ‘slide’ desktop switching effect? It may be because of oxygen’s new animations. These animations (like active-window glows that fade smoothly in and out of existence and window buttons that push in and out smoothly) are really awesome, but can be rather costly in terms of performance. So if you are feeling lag in kwin’s effects, try disabling them:

The problem solution would be to go to systemsettings, go to appearance and click configure on oxygen style, then uncheck “enable animations”, click ok, and then apply. The second thing which would give even better performance boost is to disable animated windec active/inactive transistions. Just unhide folders in dolphin ( alt+. ), go to .kde4 > share > config and open oxygenrc file. Find the “[Windeco]” line, and below it type: UseAnimations=false . Save file and then restart kwin by opening krunner (alt+f2) and typing “kwin -replace”. After that your effects will be smoother


Since the animations are really subtle, you don’t lose much in terms of user experience/aesthetic if you lose them. They are really quite pretty though (Nuno and co spent a lot of effort on them :) ) so keep and enjoy them if you can!

What does bug me is the fact that you can’t disable the window decoration animations via the configuration gui. I’ve filed a bug on it here.

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Ubunchu 04 ~ the completely off-tangent review!

(EDIT: For the uninitiated, Ubunchu is a free-licensed manga series thematically centered around Ubuntu Linux, and this is a review of the fourth chapter of said series cum my musings on the viability of free licenses when applied to artwork. I apologize if I have previously confused anyone by leaving out this introduction :( )

(EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot the link to the manga again!! You can find every translated chapter of the free-licensed Ubuntu-oriented manga here)

With every chapter so far thematically alluding to one Ubuntu / free software related idea or another, Ubunchu is starting to feel somewhat like a documentary. Reminds me of one of those “Manga guide to Databases” things. And that’s not a bad thing by the way :P

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