Between Linux and Anime

Kind of like Schrodinger's Cat

Yokatta Nymph! Yokuyatta Ikaros!

Finished Otoshimono! And here at the very end I must say I’m pretty glad after all that I didn’t drop this one. Who would’ve guessed, that character who started out as meh generic cutepoints jailbait blue-haired loli ended up becoming my favorite character in the show. It was the oldest cheat in the book – make a character look really adorable, give her some minor but cute and sweet developments, make the story treat her really (like really, REALLY) bad, then bring on the over-the-top-awesome we-will-save-you-cos-you’re-our-precious-friend thing. And oh did it sucker me :( I mean, even with all the nonsense we had to take watching this show up to this point, how can we help not tearfully smiling along when we see Nymph like this:

Oh, and I should add that that final episode at long last met and surpassed my bad-assery expectations. Good job Ikaros! And good job in general Sora no Otoshimono. You were actually pretty enjoyable, and if you ever reappear with a sequel, I’ll seriously consider picking you up again :)

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5 centimeters per second


The huh? Wha? at the end of Ryuusei no Gemini


  1. Yeah man, tearing off the wings was pretty darn epic in terms of sick, horrid, bad guys. I think my demented side escaped a little bit because I was thinking: OMG that’s so horrible, this guy/girl knows his/her stuff. Yeah Nymph was my favorite character too. I have a thing for anime girls with baggage or in terrible situations. That’s one of the reasons I initially rejected her because I know I’m a sucker.

    She grows her wings back in the manga eventually, but she deals with how terrible that is for awhile.

  2. Jason "moofang"

    Of course, we probably wouldn’t have been so riled if all this was done on, say Kurosaki Ichigo (my favourite strawman after Naruto). Nymph is this poor unloved little girl who just tried her best to save her former enemy’s life, and that identity magnifies all the wickedness visited upon her twofold. Phear teh power of teh loli – osoroshiiko!

    And wow you’ve seen the manga for this too?

  3. Yeah man! It’s crazy intense. I actually like the way they did it in the manga a lot better honestly. It doesn’t depict Nymph as being that stupid. She realizes on her own that her master will never love her and tries not to drag Ikaros into it. Eventually they tear off her wings and everyone shows up to be badass. I liked it a lot better :).

  4. Your site works again! I used my magical internet powers to fix the servers.

  5. Jason "moofang"

    Lol! And just in time for me to dump in a bunch of wild thoughts after reading your DtB2 12 post!

    I wish I read that many manga, but I have a slight phobia for them (manga). With anime 25 mins is a very comfortable quantum and I can tell myself that I’ll watch 1 episode, or 2 episodes. With manga, one chapter is so short and I never know when to stop so I never do – until I get a headache later and regret it D:

  6. Oh I had some good times with the Negima!? manga… I read it straight for pretty much 3 days. I can hardly believe it… It was soooo goood though.

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