Let’s have a festive title image!
(It’s just a month or so to Christmas too!)
So yeah, this is sorta kinda an announcement that I sorta kinda think that…
My blog’s revival is complete!
Sorta kinda… :)
Well, there are a few reservations. I’m not completely positive that I’ll be using this host yet – there are a few things in its clauses and offerings that disturb me. Sigh, truly, free-host hunting is a painful but necessary evil for penniless hackers like myself. At any rate, if I do end up swapping host again, the DNS and stuff takes up to 48 hours to reconfigure, so don’t be alarmed if you see me briefly off the web again :)
Anyway, for lack of anything better to say, let’s take some time to talk through some of the ‘changes’ that are in place today. I think I’ve hacked this place into something I’m more or less comfortable with. I’ve decided to lose the old idea of a ‘front page’ and hidden ‘closet’ posts – it shall be one blog henceforth. And, being aware of the immensely random nature of my writings, I’ve decided, after much deliberation and debate, to apply a four-way partition onto my posts, to help facilitate folks only interested in particular kinds of content, to find that content. Of course, you can see what those four are at the top of the page (mouse-over for brief descriptions!). I think they should quite evenly and intelligently divide the kind of posts I write. Do you have a smarter partitioning in mind? Let me know!
I spent 2-3 nights hacking away at the current theme, and I think the result looks pretty awesome :) It’s a little unfortunate I have less horizontal post real-estate here than in my old theme though. And then there’s the measly-iffy font size. I think I can work on getting used to the former, but if the font-size bothers you, please let me know. As must also be evident by now, I’ve gone ahead and taken the opportunity to swap out WordPress’s default emoticon set (which is pretty ‘unemotive’ as well as rather too yellow for this theme). I think I like what I have now. They’re a little on the ‘disturbingly cute’ side, but they’re small and white-ish and a lot more comfortable on the eyes. So they’ll probably stay :P
Finally, you would notice (I hope) that I’ve taken (ok, rewritten) the ‘hit F8 to toggle music’ script and plopped it down right here! So if you’re feeling like an anisong, please hit the F8 key and wait a couple of seconds. Don’t ask me why I picked that song. I just happened to be listening to it while hacking the theme and something somewhere struck, so here it is.
Before signing off for today, allow me a little more time for some *ahem* embarassing remarks. Despite the substantial amount of hits I used to get from good ol’ Google, I am myself most acutely aware of the microscopic number of regular readers I have. So I am extremely grateful that some of you are still with me now. Here’s a big thank you for your ‘continued patronage’, it means a lot to me :)
And Aika says: “Hazukashii Serifu Kinshiiii!!”
Eeeh? ゚゚(´Д` )゚゚ (yeah, I should make a post on ARIA at some point)
Haha, good to see you’re back. Cute Haruhi image by the way. I really want that episode.
The song sounds like Ranka from Macross Frontier but I don’t remember her singing this. It’s more natural then most stuff you here and the voice is a lot more pronounced. I actually dig the sounds.
Your theme is awesome and the set up is amazing. I wish you would do mine :p. Anyways I’ll be reading your anime posts regularly and probably some of your hacking posts too :).
Jason "moofang"
Maido Ari! (Thank you for your continued patronage!) :)
And the title image was something actual in the light novels? I thought it was just a random wallpaper image. It looked suitably festive and happy and it was Haruhi so I just ninja’d it :P
The song is the Kobato ED (you can see the name of the song in the sidebar under ‘Today’s Anisong’ btw). And yeah, it was sung by Megumi Nakajima who did Ranka. I think she has a nice quality to her voice, and the style of the song accentuates that too :)
-_-; ive decided. that smiley set creeps me out.
Jason "moofang"
Eeeh? ゚゚(´Д` )゚゚ Haha, I’ll be on the lookout for possible substitutions then (sorry, the default set really doesn’t do it for me. I’ve beared with it enough :) ) You got any recommendations? :P
Um… perhaps something blue based?
actually, now that I am looking at the page with a half decent monitor the smileys don’t look so faded… but now they are just hard to see
old CRT monitors FTL
Do whatever you want, it’s your blog.