Emily S Vincent on the Time of Eve Kickstarter Project:

Given a chance, fans will unite and show support. Kickstarter just gives us a place to connect with the creators we love. This is a message to creators all across the world: We are all ready to pledge for what we believe in. Take the first steps and we can carry you across the finish line! Believe in us! We believe in you!

The folks at Rabujoi on Hataraku Maou-sama:

“May I unleash the Dullahan” is probably the geekiest way of asking to borrow a bike imaginable. So naturally, we’ll be using that line the first chance we get.

Jason Miao on Chu2Koi:

They wanted her to grow up. Be careful of what you wish for.

Kurogane on Chu2Koi:

KyoAni showing the action anime wannabes this season how it’s really done, huehueheu.

NovaJinx in closing thoughts on NatsuMachi:

…but y’know, sometimes I watch anime to see a world better than ours… there’s a lot of things people could learn from this.

Starburst quoting Bakuhasu, naming Usagi Drop the number one 2011 show:

Because when you make watching every episode feel like opening a present, you’re doing something right.

RP on understanding Fate/Zero vs understanding Fate/Stay Night:

It was a lot easier when you could tell everyone apart by their zettai ryouiki grade.

Jason Miao on Mawaru Penguindrum:

Brain’s Base’s A-team comes through with a fun, off-beat, and quite enjoyable tale about Lelouch, Suzaku, and Nunnally if Lelouch and Suzaku were brothers and living normal high school lives. And a magical girl and an army of magical penguins saves Nunnally from her crippling disease and tasks Lelouch and Suzaku into finding a magical item, except it’s just a lame excuse to find weirdos who live amongst them.

Ghostlightning on the Showdown of the Kissuiso Women in HanaIro 13:

The three representatives of their respective generations are all strong, willful, and capable of really going at each other. There’s a palpable antagonistic vibe running across the whole thing and this makes the accord reached in the end intensely satisfying.

Kiiragi on Victorique‘s broken wail:

Yuuki Aoi’s crying is one of those things on Earth that simply pierces the soul, like hearing kittens drown

Jason Miao on Awesome Meido:

Has there been another awesome meido since we last saw Matsurika? Has our meido dearth been so bad? Why Japan, why? Why can’t you give us more meido?!

F*ck yeah Matsurika.

Daniel on the Fukushima reactor crisis:

…Finally, the Japanese Government, TEPCO, and Press are doing an incredible job in reporting this matter. Foreign media like the CNN are the ones to blame for inventing their own stories for whatever reason.

Aaron Seigo on Joy:

Finding the joy in things is more than just a nice idea, it’s a survival skill.

Jason Miao on Azunyan Huggage:

No fair! I want to hug Azu-nyan too! I feel like there should be an app for this…

To which his commenter Masayume offered:

There should be an app for chopping Yui bangs too (and maybe seeing how she reacts).

There’re your million dollar app ideas folks. I may even buy it if you ported it to the N900.

Paul Graham on avoiding useless “Top Ideas”:

Turning the other cheek turns out to have selfish advantages. Someone who does you an injury hurts you twice: first by the injury itself, and second by taking up your time afterward thinking about it. If you learn to ignore injuries you can at least avoid the second half […] I’m always delighted to find I’ve forgotten the details of disputes, because that means I hadn’t been thinking about them. My wife thinks I’m more forgiving than she is, but my motives are purely selfish.

Kurogane on High School of the Dead:

…while I appreciate the curves of the feminine figure, I have come to also appreciate that it’s best enjoyed subtly, so blaring it out like the vuvuzelas in Johannesburg isn’t really up my alley…

Jason Miao on Eva 2.22:

It’s trapped by the Evangelion name. It’s no longer the hot shot that came out from nowhere. It has its base. It’s following, and it has to pander to them. There is an expectation with the Evangelion name […] It has to live up to the name. Rei can’t be anything but the Yuki type. Unit-01 can’t be anything but Yui’s soul. They can’t be anything else. Evangelion– it cannot advance.

Dustin on Disappearance:

What happened to our failing median? Where are all of my complaints about the moe factory? Where is the depthless anime? I need to know because my world just shifted. I don’t think I’ll be able to watch anything mediocre this week

Hinano on Naruto:

This manga is so gay. Ninja Romantica is what it should be named to.

Mark Kretschmann on KDE SC 4.4:

This is an amazing product. We at KDE are happy to present you something the world has never seen before. A product so unbelievably terrific, you will love it! It’s simply huge, and amazing. And great to use. […]

Go check it out :)

Christopher Smart on the same:

OK, I’ll say it. KDE [SC] 4.4 is far superior to any release before it.

Gin on Killer Trap Hideyoshi:

Did anyone else cry after watching that? I didn’t know what to think…I still don’t know…*cry*

Jason Miao on Baka to Test to Shokanjuu:

I always wondered what an anime with Sunohara as the star would be like. I don’t anymore. With a toilet seat cover.

Keiri on Railgun 14:

Never forget there will always be people who will accept you for who you are…

Kurogane on Chu-bra:

If you can keep a straight mind while watching it, you will learn a lot about underwear

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